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Pair Push Notifications with your Email Campaigns
Unified marketing strategies can boost engagement across all channels. While email is still the best channel in terms of ROI and engagement, it’s not always the best method of communicating with customers. For example, a flash sale relies upon speedy responses from your customers. Just 21% of emails are opened within the first hour of receipt. The average email opening time is 6.5 hours. That’s where integrated campaigns that utilize other channels — social posts or push notifications for example — to support email comes in. Adding additional touchpoints to your marketing campaign is a great way to increase the engagement and conversion rates across your entire campaign. Pairing push notifications with your email campaigns can increase engagement by 3 times.
From awareness to action
At the beginning of your campaign, when the first email, ad, post or other communication goes out, it’s unlikely to convert the viewer into a customer or sale right away. People just don’t work like that. We need to be reminded. This is true even when it’s something that we want or have been looking for. An average of three views is needed before your ad gets noticed.
The idea is that the first time your message is seen by an individual, it’ll get a ‘What was that?’ response from the viewer. The second time a ‘What…